Past Content

Meeting the local content requirements for FPSOs in Brazil

Meeting the local content requirements for FPSOs in Brazil

One of the key themes for the FPSO Brazil Congress is local content regulation. With that in mind, we’d like to share with you this article from IHS Markit on Brazil’s regulatory changes for local content requirements and what that means for the FPSO industry. Download now to discover: 

  • Changes in the local content rules and regulations 
  • Break-even prices with the new rules
  • Estimated costs and local content requirements for a pre-salt FPSO
FPSO Brazil Projects Currently Under Construction

FPSO Brazil Projects Currently Under Construction

In association with IHS Markit, we bring you a view of FPSO projects in Brazil that are currently in construction. 

What makes Brazil the largest market in the FPSO industry?

What makes Brazil the largest market in the FPSO industry?

Two industry leaders give us insight through a short Q&A on two topics on Brazil, the world’s largest market for FPSO operators. Kjetil Solbraekke, Senior VP, South America, Rystad Energy, on market outlook and Jorge Mitidieri, Executive VP, Ocyan, discusses the FPSO Pioneiro de Libra. 

Adopting Process Safety Barriers Assessment in FPSOs - An SBM Offshore Case Study

Adopting Process Safety Barriers Assessment in FPSOs - An SBM Offshore Case Study

Presented by: Henrique Gaio, HSSE and Q&R Engineer Manager, SBM Offshore

In this presentation, you will learn to:

  • Adapt robust safety principles for application in new field environments
  • Look at SBM’s implementation formula – “Risk Acceptability Criteria x Barriers Availability; Degradation Factors and Controls; Barriers Assessment”
  • Understand how existing and future technologies can help improve current practices

Download the presentation slides to learn more. 

Reviewing EPCI and Operations Strategies in MODEC’s FPSO Cidade de Campos dos Goytacazes MV29

Reviewing EPCI and Operations Strategies in MODEC’s FPSO Cidade de Campos dos Goytacazes MV29

Presented by:

  • Eric Powell, Project Manager, MODEC
  • Raghava Venkateshwara, Operations Manager, FPSO Cidade de Campos dos Goytacazes MV29, MODEC

In this presentation slides, you look at:

  • Executing successful project outcomes through a focus on delivering a reliable product with good performance to clients
  • Capturing lessons learnt and innovation to promote good practice in FPSO construction and operation
  • Balancing project lifecycle costs to deliver an economically-viable field development project
Download the presentation slides to learn more. 
Overview of possible contract structures for FPSO hiring

Overview of possible contract structures for FPSO hiring

Hear from Felipe Baldissera Gabriel, Commercial and Contracts Manager, MODEC on the contracting structures for FPSO hiring. 

  • Main points featured at the expert presentation are:
  • Reviewing the changing leasing landscape in Brazil's FPSO market
  • Matching the pros and cons of different FPSO leasing models with key project and field requirements
  • Exploring FPSO contract mechanisms and their effect on project bankability

Read the full presentation for free HERE.

Increasing Safety and Reducing Costs Along FPSO Life Cycle Through Open Innovation

Increasing Safety and Reducing Costs Along FPSO Life Cycle Through Open Innovation

Ahead of the FPSO Brazil Congress 2020, we would like to share with you some of the top presentations at the 2019 Congress. Presented by Guilherme Pinto, Technology Manager, at SBM Offshore on increasing safety and cost reduction through an open innovation strategy.

Key insights from this expert presentation include:

  • Understanding internal and external client needs to develop technologies that work
  • Creating roadmaps for technology development and ensuring adoption across the teams
  • Adopting co-development partnerships for innovation
Download the slides to understand more. 
View Post-Show Report - FPSO Brasil Congress Live 2020

View Post-Show Report - FPSO Brasil Congress Live 2020

The FPSO Network is thankful to have the continued support of the FPSO community as we navigate through these challenging times together. We would like to thank our sponsors, speakers, partners and of course all attendees to the first virtual FPSO Brasil Congress.

Held on 9 – 13 November 2020, we saw over 1,200 attendees join us at FPSO Brasil Congress Live 2020. Over the span of 5 days, we covered a range of topics from FPSO market intelligence, digital twins and remote monitoring, operations, asset integrity management and more.

A huge thank you to all our sponsors – Akselos, Altera Infrastructure, CETCO Energy Services, Cold Pad, Dunlop Oil & Marine Ltd, InProcess, Maersk Supply Services, Ocyan, Oil States, Rembe, Remotion, RigNet, Siemens Energy, SSE, Veolia and Wilhemsen Ships Service.

In this report, you will find more information of our audience demographics and list of companies who joined us at this virtual event.

The FPSO Network will continue to put together relevant content for the community, and we look forward to seeing everyone again in 2021.

FPSO Brazil Congress Live 2022 Panel Recording

FPSO Brazil Congress Live 2022 Panel Recording

The FPSO Brazil Congress Live 2022 was held virtually on 24 May 2022 and it was a fantastic event with a record-breaking number of attendees.

We have prepared a special recording of the interactive Panel Discussion: Mitigating the Impact on Supply Chain Environment and Challenges at Shipyards to Meet FPSO Demand and First Oil Target

This session was co-presented by:
Bruno Freitas - Country Director - Brazil, SBM Offshore
Kenneth Kerkhoven - Local Content Manager, MISC Offshore Business Unit (OBU)
Francisco Eugenio Magarinos Torres - FPSO Specialist, Pre-sal Petroleo
Jorge Mitidieri - Executive Vice-President, OCYAN
Filipe Costa - Managing Director, Yinson Boronia Production
Rodrigo Rocha - Business Development & Proposal Manager, MODEC

Catch this exclusive session replay to find out the challenges in the changing supply chain environment, travel and logistical retractions and their impact on FPSO projects

Sponsors - FPSO Brazil 2022 Preliminary Agenda

The FPSO Brazil Congress 2022 returns to Rio de Janeiro from 7-9 November 2022.

Download the preliminary agenda for a sneak peek into the key highlights, sessions and people who will be attending.

FPSO Brazil Congress Live 2022 - Pedro Prado Recording

FPSO Brazil Congress Live 2022 - Pedro Prado Recording

The FPSO Brazil Congress Live 2022 was held virtually on 24 May 2022 and it was a fantastic event with a record-breaking number of attendees.

We have prepared a special recording of the session on Decarbonizing FPSOs – Challenges of Lowering Emissions in New Units and Existing Facilities

This session was presented by:
Pedro Prado - Technical Management Manager, MODEC

Catch this exclusive session replay to learn more about incorporating low emission-driven solutions into the design of new FPSOs and challenges with existing fleets to reduce emissions.

FPSO Brazil Congress 2022 Industry Benchmarking & Survey Report

FPSO Brazil Congress 2022 Industry Benchmarking & Survey Report

In collaboration with leading information services provider IHS Markit, this report dives deeper into the FPSO industry to uncover key market trends and global project pipelines focused on the South American region.

Download the report to see a holistic overview of the market.

Sponsors - Attendee Profile List

Sponsors - Attendee Profile List

Check out the list of confirmed participants at this year's FPSO Brazil Congress!

Download the list to see the companies, accounts and job profiles that will be in attendance.

Disrupting FPSOs: How Can we Face the Challenges of Tomorrow. Presentation by Soichi Ide

In this presentation, Soichi Ide, President & CEO of MODEC Offshore Production Systems Pte Ltd reflected on the industry's response against market disruptions and energy transition challenges. He discussed how Suppliers, EPC Operators and Clients have a part to play in ensuring shared success.

Market Intelligence & Outlook: Energy Transition and the FPSO Industry. Presentation by Kelvin Sam.

In this presentation, Kelvin Sam, FPS Leasing Lead of IHS Markit dived into the topic of creating detailed corporate net-zero targets towards the sustainability agenda and the growing importance of ESG policies for the entire industry.

Harnessing Decarbonisation Solutions in FPSO Projects. Presented by Fredrik Savio of BW Offshore

In this presentation, Fredrik Savio, Senior VP of Project Development at BW Offshore covered new solutions and best practices for low-carbon offshore energy production including Gas to Power, Clean Fuels and Carbon Capture tools. He also spoke about BW Ideol which was launched as a pure-play floating offshore wind company.

FPSO Global Portfolio Prospectus & Digital Media Kit 2023

FPSO Global Portfolio Prospectus & Digital Media Kit 2023

In 2023, we bring you a range of Online Events and In-Person Congresses with specific focus and themes that cater to individual regions around the world. Each event – be it online or in-person, will focus on delivering a unique set of end-user stakeholders and the content has been specifically curated to address unique challenges and priorities. We continue to bring together relevant stakeholders from field operators, vessel contractors and a select group of technology solution providers to brainstorm pressing issues in the industry, where up-to-date and cost-effective technologies are evaluated.

Download the Global Portfolio Prospectus to see what Sponsorship Opportunities await you!

FPSO Global Portfolio Prospectus for Brazil 2023

FPSO Global Portfolio Prospectus for Brazil 2023

See the exciting Sponsorship and Branding opportunities on offer at FPSO Brazil Congress 2023!

Popular Sponsorship packages include:

  • Keynote plenary speaking sessions
  • Theatre speaking sessions
  • Branding sponsorship
  • Exhibition booths
  • Cocktail reception
  • Registration sponsorship

Download the Sponsorship Kit to see more!

2022 FPSO Brazil Congress Post Show Report

2022 FPSO Brazil Congress Post Show Report

Held from 7-9 November 2022 in Rio de Janeiro, the FPSO Brazil Congress 2022 returned to Brazil with a tremendous response as we discussed Realizing Greener and Low-Manned FPSOs in Brazil.

Download the Post Show Report to see:

  • Key congress highlights and takeaways from attendees
  • A breakdown of the attendees consisting of oil & gas producers, shipyards and EPCs
  • What you can expect at the next edition
SPX - Unlocking Brazil's Offshore Wind Potential

SPX - Unlocking Brazil's Offshore Wind Potential

With FPSO Brazil Congress 2023 returning this year, we are excited to bring you our latest article on Unlocking Brazil's Offshore Wind Potential.

This report was produced in collaboration with Gustavo Ferreira, Project Developer at Corio Generation, and the teams from Corio Generation and Servtec.

Grab your free copy of this article to find out more about:

  • Brazil's offshore wind industry - with increased investment from oil & gas operators
  • Future opportunities for offshore wind in Brazil - including job opportunities
  • The biggest factors preventing the widespread adoption of offshore wind in Brazil
For Sponsors - Attendee Profile List - FPSO Brazil Congress 2023

For Sponsors - Attendee Profile List - FPSO Brazil Congress 2023

Find out who's attending the FPSO Brazil Congress 2023!

Attending companies include Shell, Petrobras, TotalEnergies, Equinor and many more.

FPSO Engineering & Commissioning 2023 Brochure

FPSO Engineering & Commissioning 2023 Brochure

Check out what's new for FPSO Engineering & Commissioning Brazil 2023!

Download the agenda to see the speaker line-up, sessions and who will be there.

FPSO Brazil Congress 2024 Sponsorship & Exhibition Guide

FPSO Brazil Congress 2024 Sponsorship & Exhibition Guide

Find out how you can be at the forefront of Brazil's oil & gas industry with our Sponsorship & Exhibition Guide for FPSO Brazil Congress 2024

FPSO Brazil 2024 Sponsorship & Exhibition Guide

FPSO Brazil 2024 Sponsorship & Exhibition Guide

Stay at the forefront of your key prospects’ minds! FPSO Brazil Congress provides the ‘perfect platform’ to network with potential buyers who are aggressively seeking solutions in this market. Take a look at our Sponsorship & Exhibition Prospectus to see a breakdown of our audience, current sponsors and opportunities to maximize your experience.

FPSO Analytics: Market Overview of South America LI

FPSO Analytics: Market Overview of South America LI

South America continues to dominate the global floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) market, awarding nearly half of all global floater contracts in the last five years. Despite the rise in refurbished, relocated and reused FPSOs since early 2022, the region continues to favor the deployment of newbuild units, especially for large-scale projects in Brazil’s ultra-deepwater pre-salt polygon and offshore developments in Guyana. View the report to find out more

View FPSO Brazil Congress 2019 Post-show Report

View FPSO Brazil Congress 2019 Post-show Report

The 2nd FPSO Brazil Congress has proudly brought in a 40% increase in participants – a superb growth happening in just its second year.

Examples of the Oil and Gas Operators, Government Agencies and FPSO Contractors at the Congress include Petrobras, ExxonMobil, Total, Equinor, BP, Ecopetrol, PetroRio, Petrogal, Karoon, ANP, TCU, PpSA, SBM Offshore, MODEC, Teekay Offshore, BW Offshore, Ocyan and more.

Download the post-show report to see more.

Navigating Local Content Requirements in Brazil for Improved Project Outcomes

Navigating Local Content Requirements in Brazil for Improved Project Outcomes

Presented by: Luiz Henrique de Oliveira Bispo, Head of Local Content Area, Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis 

This presentation was looking at:

  • Examining Brazil’s local content requirements – latest updates and opportunities for the industry 
  • Preparing for the upcoming 7th and 8th rounds of pre-salt production sharing scheduled for 2021
  • Exploring how changes to local content requirements can increase Brazil’s production capacity

Download the presentation slides to learn more. 

FPSO Brazil Congress Live 2020 Post-Show Report

FPSO Brazil Congress Live 2020 Post-Show Report

The FPSO Network is thankful to have the continued support of the FPSO community as we navigate through these challenging times together. We would like to thank our sponsors, speakers, partners and of course all attendees to the first virtual FPSO Brasil Congress. Held on 9 – 13 November 2020, we saw over 1,200 attendees join us at FPSO Brasil Congress Live 2020.

Over the span of 5 days, we covered a range of topics from FPSO market intelligence, digital twins and remote monitoring, operations, asset integrity management and more.

A huge thank you to all our sponsors – Akselos, Altera Infrastructure, CETCO Energy Services, Cold Pad, Dunlop Oil & Marine Ltd, InProcess, Maersk Supply Services, Ocyan, Oil States, Rembe, Remotion, RigNet, Siemens Energy, SSE, Veolia and Wilhemsen Ships Service.

In this report, you will find more information of our audience demographics and list of companies who joined us at this virtual event.

Overview Of Brazil’s Existing FPSO Industry And Possible Future Direction

Overview Of Brazil’s Existing FPSO Industry And Possible Future Direction

Carlos Rocha, Director, IHS Markit gave his insights to the FPSO industry in Brazil.  

FPSO Brazil Congress 2019 - Attendee List

FPSO Brazil Congress 2019 - Attendee List

Take a look at who's attending FPSO Brazil Congress 2019. 

Post Show Report - FPSO Brazil 2019

Post Show Report - FPSO Brazil 2019

The 2nd FPSO Brazil Congress has proudly brought in a 40% increase in participants – a superb growth happening in just its second year.

Examples of the Oil and Gas Operators, Government Agencies and FPSO Contractors at the Congress include Petrobras, ExxonMobil, Total, Equinor, BP, Ecopetrol, PetroRio, Petrogal, Karoon, ANP, TCU, PpSA, SBM Offshore, MODEC, Teekay Offshore, BW Offshore, Ocyan and more.

Download the post-show report to see more.

Local Content Clause in the Exploration and Production Contracts in Brazil

Local Content Clause in the Exploration and Production Contracts in Brazil

Presented by: Luiz Henrique de Oliveira Bispo, Head of Local Content Area, Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis 

FPSO Brasil Congress 2020 - Agenda

FPSO Brasil Congress 2020 - Agenda

Save the dates, 25 - 27 May 2020, as FPSO Brasil Congress will be back for its 3rd edition. 

Set your sights on Brazil as FPSO Brasil Congress 2020 is heading for a bright decade of new opportunities! With increased investments and strategies in place, the country’s total oil production is set to grow at an average rate of 5% per year between 2020 and 2023! Yet, project teams still struggle to expand local capabilities and capacity, finding the best contracting models and increasing project cost-efficiency and productivity. 

This year's main theme for 2020 is "Accelerating FPSO Growth in the Brazilian Seas". We are focusing on key topics on Local Industry Capacity | Project Execution & Development | Operational Readiness & Excellence. 

Some of our brand new speakers include:

  • Henrique Hillal, Offshore Installation Manager FPSO Cidade de Santos - MV20, MODEC 
  • Filipe Costa, Managing Director, Yinson 
  • David Millenaar, Topsides Delivery Manager, Yinson
  • Marcelo de Assis, Head, Latin America Upstream Research, Wood Mackenzie

Download our event guide to see the full speakers' line up and what's in-store for 2020. 

What Makes FPSO Redeployment Difficult

What Makes FPSO Redeployment Difficult

FPSO redeployments are one of the key features that make FPSOs cost effective solutions for field developments, however this strength has been undermined by a growth in inefficiency. Now, the real barriers to successful vessel redeployment lay not so much in the expected technological challenges but instead, in the inflexibility regarding specifications, the lack of shared risks between stakeholders and the distrust present in the operator contractor relationship.
Increasing Efficiency of FPSO Delivery and Operations

Increasing Efficiency of FPSO Delivery and Operations

Increasing Efficiency of FPSO Delivery and Operations through Smart Project Execution Strategy Based on Standardisation Principles presented by Guilherme Pinto, Engineering and Technology Manager, SBM Offshore

What does 2020 hold for the Brazil FPSO market?

What does 2020 hold for the Brazil FPSO market?

Last year, IHS Markit Brazil noted that the Brazilian market began 2019 free from most of the uncertainties that concerned operators and suppliers in recent years. The international offshore market was also in a growth trend, with enough room for investments and activity to recover.

How then is 2020 shaping up for the FPSO Brazil market? The FPSO Brazil Congress team spoke with Carlos Rocha, Director of IHS Markit, and came up with this article. Download now to discover:

  • New bidding rounds
  • 2020 updates
  • Bids closed
  • Global outlook for 2020 and beyond
FPSO Network: Digital Media Kit

FPSO Network: Digital Media Kit

FPSO Network is regions largest online community of FPSO professionals. Our mission is to provide tailored online learning and development opportunities and to drive continued industry collaboration across the FPSO sector. Get your copy of the Digital Media Kit to view our 2020 online event calendar, digital packages and pricing!

The Seven Point Funding Checklist

The Seven Point Funding Checklist

Projects will continue to be mooted and securing finances is the first step on the road to commission and deployment. In consultation with veteran FPSO and financial professionals alike, we have put together a checklist of how to secure the cold hard cash needed to get your FPSO project off the ground in this adverse commercial climate.
FPSO Brazil Congress Brochure - Portuguese

FPSO Brazil Congress Brochure - Portuguese

Download the portuguese version of the agenda. 

How can we balance CAPEX and OPEX?

How can we balance CAPEX and OPEX?

For many in the FPSO industry the issue of balancing CAPEX and OPEX remains a thorn in their side.

FPSO projects are resource-intensive with high CAPEX on top of high operating and maintenance costs (high OPEX). This puts pressure on the industry to continuously evolve the business models and tap into innovations to achieve commercial success. What can projects do to balance the CAPEX and OPEX?

We spoke with Eduardo Chamusca de Azevedo, Country Director – SBM Brazil and Felipe Baldissera Gabriel, Commercial and Contracts Manager, MODEC to get their thoughts.

FPSO Brazil Congress Live 2020 Participating Organizations

Take a look at the participating organizations for FPSO Brazil Congress Live.

Here’s what you need to know about the Brazilian FPSO market

Here’s what you need to know about the Brazilian FPSO market

Exclusively from the FPSO World Congress 2017, we’ve handpicked key takeaways for the Brazilian market ahead.

FPSO Brazil Congress 2022 - Sponsorship & Exhibition Prospectus

FPSO Brazil Congress 2022 - Sponsorship & Exhibition Prospectus

Stay at the forefront of your key prospects’ minds! FPSO Brazil Congress provides the ‘perfect platform’ to network with potential buyers who are aggressively seeking solutions in this market. Take a look at our Sponsorship & Exhibition Prospectus to see a breakdown of our audience, current sponsors and opportunities to maximize your experience.

Maximizing Deepwater Investments & FPSO Projects In Brazil

Maximizing Deepwater Investments & FPSO Projects In Brazil

IQPC and the FPSO Network conducted an in-depth interview with Ocyan to explore the impact of the global COVID-19 pandemic on Brazil’s deep waters and pre-salt developments.

In this interview, we also look at various innovations and solutions industry leaders can harness to accelerate FPSO projects.

Download the report to read more. 

Maintaining Vessel Integrity & Operational Excellence

Maintaining Vessel Integrity & Operational Excellence

IQPC and the FPSO Network conducted an in-depth industry survey with our global community to provide a holistic and well-balanced benchmark when it comes to vessel integrity and FPSO operations. We hope you find this report useful.

In this report, we will look at:

  • Mid-Late Stage FPSO Life-Cycle & Operations
  • Industry benchmark - Asset Integrity Challenges
  • Industry benchmark - FPSO Vessel Maintenance Works
  • Industry benchmark - Maintenance Costs & Budget
  • Technology - Future of Vessel Integrity Management & FPSO Operations
Rystad Energy Industry Report - FPSO Brazil Market Insights & Opportunities

Rystad Energy Industry Report - FPSO Brazil Market Insights & Opportunities

Together with leading energy research and business intelligence company Rystad Energy, the FPSO EMEA Market Insights & Opportunities Industry Report details the impact on Brazil's FPSO projects due to global events.

Grab your copy of the report to see:

  • The forecast global energy spending due to the impact of the European Union's efforts to become less dependent on external supplies
  • Energy Security strategies used by European countries as they rapidly advance into the low-carbon and renewables sector
  • Factors driving the record-high number of FPSO Awards over the next few years that could potentially lead to supply constraints
  • FPSO projects updates including current projects under Petronas, MISC, Yinson, and Ping Petroleum
  • Key opportunities present in the EMEA market for contractors, operators, and solution providers looking to penetrate the market

These are exclusive insights researched and produced by Rystad Energy and are a most-download report for all Oil & Gas professionals.

Download your copy below to read the latest report!

FPSO Brazil Congress 2022 Preliminary Agenda

The FPSO Brazil Congress 2022 returns to Rio de Janeiro from 7-9 November 2022.

Download the preliminary agenda for a sneak peek into the key highlights, sessions and people who will be attending.

Unlocking Brazil's Offshore Wind Potential

Unlocking Brazil's Offshore Wind Potential

With FPSO Brazil Congress 2023 returning this year, we are excited to bring you our latest article on Unlocking Brazil's Offshore Wind Potential.

This report was produced in collaboration with Gustavo Ferreira, Project Developer at Corio Generation, and the teams from Corio Generation and Servtec.

Grab your free copy of this article to find out more about:

  • Brazil's offshore wind industry - with increased investment from oil & gas operators
  • Future opportunities for offshore wind in Brazil - including job opportunities
  • The biggest factors preventing the widespread adoption of offshore wind in Brazil
Expert Insights on FPSO Contract Modelling

Expert Insights on FPSO Contract Modelling

Like its European counterparts, Brazil’s FPSO market has seen increased activity of late. Needless to say, contract models remain a major factor for the industry — whether a company wants to build, own, operate or transfer a vessel will affect the type of contract it uses. Here we explore ways in which the industry is approaching fast- tracking FPSO projects.

With expert insight from Felipe Baldissera Gabriel from MODEC, Filipe Costa from Yinson and Jorge Luiz Mitidieri, OCYAN, we deep dive into the key changes; the main pros and cons of certain contracting models as well as external factors.

Download the article to explore ways in which the industry is approaching fast- tracking FPSO projects.

Realizing Greener and Low-Manned FPSOs in Brazil

Realizing Greener and Low-Manned FPSOs in Brazil

Ahead of the FPSO Brazil Congress, we spoke to industry leaders to find out what is driving the growth of projects in the region, trends affecting the market and challenges of low-manned vessels.

Insights and feedback were provided by:

  • Bruno Azevedo Liberato, Maintenance and Planned Shutdown, Petrobras
  • Francisco Eugenio Magarinos Torres, Development and Production Coordinator, Pre-Sal Petroleo SA
  • Rafael Torres, Business Development Director, SBM Offshore
  • Jorge Luiz Uchoa Mitidieri, VP Executive, Ocyan

Grab your copy of this exclusive market insights report!

The IHS Markit Brazil FPSO Report

The IHS Markit Brazil FPSO Report

In this comprehensive report, IHS Markit have put together a macro view of the political and economical landscape in Brazil, demonstrating the effect on the FPSO industry. The report also provides key upstream results from 2018 and a look at how 2019 and beyond is beginning to shape up. 

The is your go to guide for understanding the Brazilian FPSO industry today. download now to discover:

  • Important achievements in the Brazil FPSO industry from 2018
  • The first effects of the new government on the oil and gas industry
  • Trends that developed in 2018 and are now strengthened for 2019  

Download the report to read more. 

2023 Brazil Market Outlook - Rystad Energy Report

2023 Brazil Market Outlook - Rystad Energy Report

Optimizing developments while boosting exploration: How Brazil can make the most of its resources amidst the energy transition

In this special Rystad Energy outlook on the upstream sector in Brazil, we will first focus on the outlook for upstream resource replacement, and how the country needs to fast-track exploration of its undiscovered resources to boost resilience and examine its current pipeline of oil and gas projects up for sanctioning.

How international players can navigate the Brazilian FPSO market

How international players can navigate the Brazilian FPSO market

Brazil is one of the world’s foremost Oil and Gas leaders. The previously “closed” economy is now open to the world thanks to new local content policy and regulations set in place.

Here we explore the latest local content updates and what it means for the international market in regard to project execution models and working with local teams.

We also talk with Pietro Ferreira, Senior Regional Analyst at the Energy Industries Council’s (EIC) regional office in Rio de Janeiro about his take on the local content requirements and regulatory changes occurring in Brazil. 

Download the article to read more.

Attendee Profile List - FPSO Brazil Congress 2023

Attendee Profile List - FPSO Brazil Congress 2023

Find out who's attending the FPSO Brazil Congress 2023!

Attending companies include Shell, Petrobras, TotalEnergies, Equinor and many more.

How to Fast-Track Projects in the Brazilian Market

How to Fast-Track Projects in the Brazilian Market

Brazil is seen to be a key driver of the FPSO market over the next few years. Therefore to maximize this window of opportunity, project execution and development need to be fast-tracked as much as possible. 

With input from industry leaders in the Brazil market, we explore different ways in which the industry can do so. 

Download the article to learn more. 

FPSO Brazil Congress 2024 Agenda Ungated

FPSO Brazil Congress 2024 Agenda Ungated

FPSO Brazil Congress 2024 is back from 21-24 May 2024 and will be returning to Rio de Janeiro!

The topic for this year revolves around Strengthening Brazil's FPSO Projects with Commercial Project Fundamentals & Optimized Operations. This includes dedicated sessions on FPSO Project Financing Fundamentals, Asset Integrity & Management and more.

View our agenda for the full conference highlights, speaker line-up and program.