FSRU GROWTH: Who’s next in Asia To Join The Bandwagon

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The growth of the Floating Storage and Regasification Units (FSRU) industry has been phenomenal, and what was intended to be a specialist niche LNG solution is now a mainstream solution for potential new regasification terminals globally. Imports through FSRU terminals were estimated to be around 22.8 million tonnes in 2015, an increase of around 44% compared to the previous year. With LNG demand is expected to grow by 6% yearly between 2015 and 2020 (roughly 60mtpa), LNG imports through FSRUs are generally expected to grow concurrently as well. This growth in LNG imports has been achieved against the backdrop of a slowdown in emerging markets driven by weak commodity prices and an oversupply of LNG, and an overwhelming majority of new markets in recent years have been FSRU markets. Download this 5 page report to learn more about FSRU and which regions in Asia are gearing up to join the bandwagon.